Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Something's not right with this picture

Can you tell me what it is?

The backyard right now (FEBRUARY 15):


For closer inspection:


And the front yard:


It's not really 80 - the sun shines on the back of the fence and makes the reading of the thermometer off. We need a new one in a different place. However, says that right now it IS 53 and the crocuses in my yard are proof that it really is warm and spring-like. Tomorrow it's supposed to get up to 59, but by Monday we'll be having more snow. I love this time of year!

By the way, here's a shot of our crepe myrtle. It bounced right back.


Love that blue sky!

1 comment:

Gayle and Rob said...

We also had a weather bounce - Sunday it didn't get out of the 50's and 2 nights in the mid-30's. And today it was 70 again, and 80 by Friday. Love the blue sky also; don't miss the snow!