Monday, July 17, 2006

An interesting list to waste some time

Luke is napping now and I'm putting off washing the dishes.

Ten Favorites
Season: Fall
Color: red or orange
Time: nap time
Food: Mexican
Drink: chocolate milk or shake
Ice Cream: chocolate peanut butter
Place: New Mexico or Colorado
Sport: baseball

Nine Currents
Feeling: a little tired & stuffed up
Drink: water
Time: 10:50 am
Show on TV: nothing
Mobile Used: Verizon
Windows open: none
Clothes: jean shorts and white t-shirt
Thought: I wish it wasn't so hot today!

Eight Firsts
Nickname: Katie
Kiss: mom or dad ?
Crush: Justin Pruis in kindergarten
Best Friend: Emily (family) and Susan Koning (non-family)
Vehicle I owned: Oldsmobile Cutlass Calais
Job: newspaper deliverer
Date: ? Joel VerVelde to the Chrismas Banquet?
Pet: Muffin & Sebastian the cats

Seven Lasts
Drink: Water
Kiss: Luke (before I put him to bed)
Meal: breakfast - leftover scones from a baby shower
Web Site Visited: my blog
Movie Watched: Veggie Tales Duke and the Great Pie War
Phone Call: Sara
TV Watched: Arthur

Six Have You Evers
Broken the Law: Yes - every time I speed
Kissed Someone You Didn't Know: Sort of, when Pablo Capizano came to our school from Argentina and tried to do the kiss-kiss like Europeans do - threw me off but he did become a friend
Been in the Middle of/Close to Gunfire: Not that I know of
Skinny Dipped: No
Broken Someone's Heart: Don't think so

Five Things:
You Hear Right Now: the computer, the cuckoo clock, the AC unit
On Your Bed: Sheets, quilt, pillows, and probably a cat or two
Things You Ate Today: a scone, some dried apricots
Things You Do When Bored: read blogs, read books, watch TV
Things You Do For Comfort: ? maybe I need to work on this one

Four Places You Have Been Today:
grocery store, front yard, car, home

Three Things on Your Desk Right Now:
big red Webster's Unabridged Dictionary
pad of notepaper
Model A Shop Manual

Two Choices:
Coffee or Tea: Coffee
Spring or summer: Spring

One Place You Want to Visit:
Great Britain

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