Friday, April 08, 2005

Schoonejongen and Dirty Daddy

apr.8 family
Originally uploaded by katiealec.
Here we are after the Friday night bath. Luke is watching TV and Kukui is trying to get away, but it's a pretty good picture for a do-it-yourselfer.

Incidentally, I'm not worried about Luke watching TV. I think he just likes the light and noise. A friend of mine said her baby was mezmerized at this age too, but lost interest until just recently (her little girl is almost 2) so I'm not going to get paranoid yet about his attention span being nil and him getting ADHD. I just won't use the TV as a babysitter and we don't want to let him watch his "own" programs for as long as possible - at least until he's past 12-18 months.

1 comment:

Anne said...

Love the family photo! Even the cat. Ahem. :) I'm not too worried about the television, either, although R.J. is a huge believer in the rapidity of television images causing brain synapses to go haywire. Or something. He's kind of a hypochondriac like that - and buys into a lot of that "development" hysteria. To appease him, I purchased a Baby Einstein Mozart DVD which is slow-paced and both Gabe AND Gus like it.