Monday, June 06, 2005

Playing with friends

This past weekend, we went to a vacation house in Deep Creek Lake, a golf/ski resort town in western Maryland. It was very nice and we wish we could spend the whole summer there. A family from church with 2 kids went with us and it was fun to see them interact. The little boy is 3 (and swallowed a "Sorry" game piece while we were there, reminding me to begin child-proofing our house!) and the little girl is about 6 weeks older than Luke.

It was fun to watch the baby and anticipate Luke doing the same things she's into in a few months. She rolls all over the floor and gets stuck in corners. She also is very good at holding herself up on her tummy, something Luke is slowly learning.


Almost twins!


Here is Luke practicing twisting. Sometimes he gets so far over it looks like a stiff breeze would tip him over. I think he'll be rolling over in a few weeks.


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