Tuesday, February 13, 2007

How to entertain a toddler for 1/2 an hour and get the laundry folded


DISCLAIMER: I realize that Luke is unique and not every 2-year-old will sit this long occupied with one thing. This is not meant to be a brag post . . . but he is a really good kid (when he's not hitting me in a fit)!

Tonight we got out the Play-doh again. I folded towels and Luke made snakes. Good times.






I am so glad Luke doesn't eat it. I have a friend whose little boy can't play with Play-doh anymore because he just eats it. She even mixed it with a ton of cayenne pepper and the little stinker still ate the entire can!

Yes, the cocoon-blanket was necessary! Our family room is usually 10 degrees colder than the rest of the house. I forgot to turn on the space heater in the afternoon - when Luke woke up from his nap and watched "Jakers," it was very cold. Today when Alec got home, he built a fire. When he first went in the room, it was 48 degrees!


MLE said...

That last picture is so precious! I love it! It may have to be my new wallpaper!

Anonymous said...

I just bought Isaac's 1st playdough, but haven't let him try it yet. I'm afraid that he is going to be one who just wants to eat it. We'll see... Cute pictures.